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Women Empowerment 2020-2021

Women the integral part of society and vital to life, women fulfils much needed roles of society as mother, daughter, wife and with these primary roles women are blessed with other cerebral ability to do other professional work in different fields. The role and responsibility of women are equal to men but not necessarily identical. Women are not the competitors to men but they are to complement them. In our society women’s role is not only to serve her family but to make her family capable enough to face hardship in society. The status of women has risen from inferiority and legal incapability to prestige and influence in family and society.  Women has her own individual identity and has social as well as religious responsibility, she is the represent or of her family and community as a whole.  She is considered first school to her child that makes her education mandatory. Women rights are clear and when that woman becomes a mother she is given the precedence over men. Alongside the educational power women folk need to be trained in numerous skills, craftsmanship, entrepreneurship, etc, so that they can have their individuality and financial independence and can be the vital part of our socio-economical growth. Our organization tends to empower the women to develop skills giving them the psychology stability and enables them to support their families in their livelihood. We also tend to educate unprivileged girl child.



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